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Dee, Paint Mare

Dee was raised on our ranch. She is a half sister to Dan. She has that  easy going look and loves to be with people but has a stubborn streak as long as she is tall. Children that ride her have to be as stubborn as she is to get somewhere

Spook, Gray mare

Spook one of the favorites at the Ranch.  She is Curt’s go to horse. If cows need rounded up she is the horse to get the job done. She is a different horse when the children are on her. You can see her almost taking baby steps when they are riding. She is the one most the children want to ride once they have tried her. She is a true confidence builder.

Sport, Paint Gelding

Sport is one of the biggest geldings we have. He is on the lazy side and pretty easy going. Sometimes he is too smart for his own good figures out how to untie himself and get into trouble. He is a half brother to Dawn but totally different personality.

Dan, Bay Gelding

Dan is one of the horses that was raised on our ranch. Even though he is one of the smaller geldings on the ranch  he is herd boss. He is other wise a pretty laid back horse and gives the children that come to the ranch a challenge to get or keep him moving. He was one of the horses that I broke and he is a smooth riding horse. Dan can teach patience to even the most experienced riders.


Zoe , (meaning life in Greek) shows promise of bringing new life to our herd. Her training has begun and she is slowly coming around. Ground work is continuing and she has been saddled and ridden a few times. She is very friendly but remains shy. Zoe does show lots of try and potential. The first trainer sent her back and said get rid of her. We saw a good horse and potential the second trainer absolutely fell in love with her. She is currently being ridden by HYR staff. We look for her to become part of our riding program down the road.


Uno was donated to the ranch November 2013.  The reason she was donated is she was born with only one eye. I am excited to see how God plans on using this horse at the ranch. She was foaled the same year our ministry was started. She is still a little shy and as you could guess at the bottom of the pecking order in the herd but I see a lot of potential in this horse.  Update: Uno has been sent to a trainer this summer (2015). She is currently being ridden by the staff of HYR. She has a lot of energy and will not be in our riding program for awhile. 

sTAR, appaloosa MARE

Retired 2022. Star came to the Ranch in June 2019. She was owned by a teenager that was no longer interested in riding horses. She was pretty thin when she came to the Ranch but has put on a lot of weight and does not act her age. We were able to ride her last fall and plan on using her in sessions this season.

prancer, Gelding pony

Prancer came to the Ranch in 2018. The children in the family had grown up and no longer spent any time with him. He is broke to ride and now we have trained him to pull the pony cart and have had him in a couple parades this last summer. Our granddaughter continues to work with him and he has made great improvements on respect and manners. He was born blind in one eye so we have to let him know when we are on his right side.

Cochise, sorrel gelding

Cochise came to the Ranch in 2019 along with Quigley. Cochise had not been ridden as much as Quigley by his previous owner. He is pretty buddy sour so we are working on that. He is improving and we are hoping to have him ready for sessions later this summer.

Quigley, sorrel Gelding

Quigley came to the Ranch in February 2019. The previous owner saved an article about Heartland Youth Ranch in the Omaha World Herald and said some day he would donate his horses to the Ranch. He called us in January and we prayed and felt we should accept the horses. We traveled over three hours one way to pick them up. They were very well cared for and beautiful sorrel Quarter horses. Curt has been putting some miles on Quigley in the pasture as he likes to work cattle. We are also using him for riding sessions and during camp. He came with his pasture mate Cochise but Quigley is definitely the boss.

Cricket, Bay mare

Cricket came to the Ranch in the fall of 2017 along with another horse named Ginger. She had been used very little and was very skittish and buddy sour. She could also display quite an attitude at times. She was sent to the trainer in 2018 and we are still working with her hoping to have her in the riding program soon. She has attached herself to Lucy and wherever Lucy is Cricket will be.

Ginger, sorrel mare

Ginger came to the Ranch in 2017 along with another horse called Cricket. She had once been used as a ranch horse but had not been ridden for quite awhile. She was very skittish and head shy. Working her in the round pen she would not engage or join up and seemed to be afraid of everything. In the winter of 2018 she suffered a severe injury to both hind legs and then a severe hoof abscess. After taking her to several different vets for care we were told she would never be sound and to put her down. We just could not do that at the time. She still will walk with a slight limp but has become a very trusting horse and nickers every time she sees us. She is to the point of being able to take some light riding and we have used her in some ground exercises during camp. We keep praying and believe God is using this horse for His purpose and will heal her to carry out His work.

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Jackson, Sorrel Gelding

Jackson came to the Ranch in 2022. Donated by a local rancher. He is a retired ranching horse, currently used in sessions.

Buckles, Buckskin gelding

Buckles came to the Ranch in 2023. He is 22 years old and was donated by a local rancher. His owner visits him occasionally and wanted kids to have the chance to ride and enjoy Buckles' kind and fun nature. Buckles is a retired ranching horse, and we are beginning to use him in sessions.

Abby, Paint Mare

Abby came to the ranch a couple years ago. She is a sweet heart. Loves to be brushed and loves attention. Despite her age she can act like a youngster at times kicking up her heels as she gallops around the paddock. She gives all she has when ridden and is a joy to ride on the trail. A true confidence builder.

LUCY, palomino MARE

Lucy was dropped off at the ranch one day when we were not home. We had talked with the caretaker for the horse and expressed interest in taking her. We did not know her name so decided to have a naming contest by the children that come to the ranch. So Lucy received the most votes and after looking up the meaning of her name it fits. She has been a true light and blessing to several children but especially to two little boys.

Our horses

Dawn, Paint Mare

Retired 2022. Dawn was raised on our ranch. She is my go to horse when I have a job to get done. She is a good honest horse and will work hard for you all day. She has become a favorite for some of the children that come to the ranch. Although she can read her riders and tends to frustrate a few of them.

Contact us

80997 Hwy 11

North Loup, NE 68859


6 miles north of North Loup, NE, just off of Hwy 11


Tel: 308-496-4348​

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